I have something in common with several of the well-known quilters out there. Angela Walters is one of them! I was very excited to learn that she, too, has a child graduating in the class of 2021. My eldest son graduates this year and it seems like he just started Kindergarten. Oh, how I remember those days. I'm sorry the picture is blurry -- it was a quick shot on the first day of school. He's been a remote learner and will be for the remainder of the school year. His preference would be to do college that way, too.

So, as quilters, when there is a big milestone like that, our thoughts immediately turn to quilts! What can we make for this special someone -- baby quilts, wedding quilts, graduations -- all get the wheels turning. For this high school graduate, I am thinking about a t-shirt quilt. And so is Angela!
Check out this awesome video and pattern she has! It's a unique way to make a t-shirt quilt and I just love it. She's one of the best! I took a class with Angela through my guild and I use what I learned nearly every day. Angela's shop is in Missouri and her website is quilting is my therapy. It is indeed. This hobby and business have saved my sanity during this Pandemic that seems endless.

I have to go talk to my son now so we can gather t-shirts, decide on colors, and make it up!
That's it for today! Stay safe, warm, and healthy out there!